Thursday, April 25, 2013

Resto Druid 5.2 Gems, Glyphs and Enchants

So for today I thought I would give you guys some info on the best gem, enchant and glyph options. Lets start with the glyphs. Essentially there are really no required glyphs and instead they are based on play style but there are two that are highly recommended for any resto druid PvPer. Glyph of Blooming reduces the time that lifebloom lasts by 5 secs but increases its bloom amount by 50%. The most important part of this glyph is also that it will not allow for casted heals to refresh the duration of lifebloom. You always want lifebloom to finish the duration completely and heal for the final amount. This glyph is as close to a must have as they come. Some players prefer to play without it but they are a very select few. My second recommendation is Glyph of Barkskin which reduces the chance you will be critically hit by 25% while Barkskin is active. This will help you greatly in damage mitigation and is also highly recommended. Aside from those two the third is a toss up between a couple of viable options. Experiment with the ones you may find useful and see what work best for you. I personally use Glyph of Fae Silence for the 3 second silence on faerie fire if you are in bear form.

In terms of gems, PvP resilience used to be the greatest stat to gem for by a large margin. That was due to the fact that it had increasing returns the more of it you gained. That is, the more of it you gained the better the stat got. However, as of patch 5.2 resilience now has diminishing returns. The higher you stack for the stat the lower each point is worth in terms of reduction value. However, the stat is still very attractive and if you plan on doing any serious PvP you will have to gem for it. PvP power is a bad stat for healers as of patch 5.2. Healers only receive 50% of its value which makes picking other stats such as intellect, haste or spirit a better option. For this reason I recommended that you gem all yellow sockets with +320 PvP resilience, blue sockets with +320 haste (if you have not reached the break points discussed earlier) or +160 spirit and +160 PvP resilience and for the red sockets use +160 intelligence gems. The meta gem can be any of the ones that add Intellect with a side effect. I personally use the +3% mana which adds 6000 mana which isn't really much.

The different enchants you can use are all pretty simple. You want to have +170 Haste on the Gloves, Windsong for your main hand (or Jade Spirit if you can afford it), +165 Intellect for the offhand, +200 resilience for the chest, Haste or Mastery for the bracers depending on which you can afford, the shoulder enchants should be +200 intellect and +100 critical strike rating, Haste on the cape, the belt should use the item enhancement that adds an extra slot and you can add a gem according to what you need, the boots can carry pandaren step if you prefer the extra run/walk or +175 haste if you need it to reach the breakpoints, the legs should have the enhancement for +285 intellect and +165 spirit. All of this is standard and will change depending on your professions. A tailor should use their cape enchants instead of the haste and so on. Hopefully all of this is pretty simple and straightforward. Overall you follow the same priority when gemming and enchanting as you do when you are choosing gear. Remember Haste > Crit > Mastery. For all of those who are unaware, druids have a passive that converts the amount of spirit you have to hit rating for spells up to a maximum of 15%. For this reason hit was not mentioned in the priorities for gearing. If you however choose to use Might Bash you will have to gain the 3% hit rating to ensure that the stun always hit or risk occasionally missing an attack. Ok, well I hope this helps and happy hunting.

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