Monday, April 22, 2013

5.2 Resto druid Haste versus Mastery (PvP)

So some people have been asking me lately whether it is better to stack haste versus mastery. The mastery bonus for restoration druids is Harmony as you know which increases the amount healed by instant spells when you use a casted heal. If you look up the info on a site such as Noxxic the order of priority is as follows : Intellect > PvP Power > PvP Resilience > Spirit > Haste > Crit > Mastery, Noxxic is known for getting some things wrong but just in case lets look at some numbers here.

Spell  #Ticks  Percent  +5% Raid Buff  Unbuffed  
Wild Growth187.12%8603028
Wild Growth (SotF)51264.34%18464063
Tranquility 1512.52%30435320
Wild Growth (SotF)*61378.73%57308141
Wild Growth 2921.43%66529109
Wild Growth (SotF)71492.86%954312145
Wild Growth31035.78%1245815206
Wild Growth815107.25%1342616222

Taken from

So you could reasonably reach the first highlighted value of 5320 unbuffed haste which would net you 2 extra ticks on LB, 1 on wild growth, 1 on rejuv and 1 on tranquility. Without getting into the math too deeply, roughly 480 mastery is equal to 1 rating so for the equivalent amount of mastery, 5320, you would see roughly a 11% increase to your mastery rating which is an 11% increase to your HoT spells. From gaining the 2 extra ticks from haste on LB it is a 20% increase, 1 on rejuvenation is a 25% increase, and tranquility is a 2% incease as well. Aside from this you also cast faster due to the haste and have a lower global cool down time which allows you to do more in less time. All in all you will see a much larger increase to your output if you stack haste.

Also last week I had the chance of playing some rated battlegrounds at a rating of 2000. Some of the opponents we played were featured on the website which is crazy and cool when you think about it. I have to say it was rather brutal. We ended up losing the games we played at 2k rating by a reasonable margin but we won a few at around 1800. As far as advice for that goes, the only difference you see when you start climbing ratings is that the teams are much more organized and focus their targets better and they also tend to use balance druids to lay a Ursol's Vortex on top of a Solar Beam. (sometimes they will also lay a ring of frost on top of that so you cannot get out or use a death knight's talent, Gorefiend's Grasp to force you into the beam a 3rd time. As a druid you can put out a ton of throughput while being rather easy to kill so you often be the one focused for a kill. Try to sit on the edges of the battle rather then running into the fray and always keep hots rolling on yourself to help reduce some of the damage you will take. Displace beast will help your survivability greatly. In arenas I've only played at 1700 in the 2v2 bracket with moderate success so not much to say there. I'll talk some gear and talent options next time guys. Hope you enjoyed the post.

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