Sunday, March 31, 2013

A little random goodness

Ok guys so its week 4 of season 13 and I thought I'd give my impressions on 
arenas so far and some general advice and discuss the upcoming pvp changes in 
patch 5.3.

For the most part 2's will result in either a drawn out game where neither team 
loses a player or where a double damage team just quickly gimps you. So far this season I've played with a death knight, warrior, hunter, shadow priest, and wind walker monk . Of all of these characters I  would say that the warrior or dk seem to pair best with a druid healer. The
problem with the two classes however is that sometimes neither is capable of putting out too much crowd control so it can often end with the above mentioned "gimps". Overall however, if you are able to keep yourself alive both of them bring strong damage and tons of pressure. Hunters provide a good amount of cc and good damage without being too hard to heal. They're somewhere between the classes able to deal heavy damage and pressure and the others that deal mediocre damage but put out pressure with constant control over the enemies. Spriests bring 
a lot of utility with less damage when compared to the other three. As far as 
being viable for 2's I think that a warrior or dk would be the best options but if you 
know a good player who knows how to play well then a priest or hunter can be 
used. In threes I've played with a spriest/unholy dk, spriest/rogue, unholy dk/ 
warrior and monk/unholy dk. Of the above listed comps the priest brings a ton of 
utility with good damage and cc potential. If you can find a good spriest or 
warlock along with a dk or warrior you can make a strong team. The problem is that the warlock or priest have to know what they are doing and play their class very well because much of the game is based on what decisions they make. I've only played up to a rating of about 1700 so hopefully when I get the chance I can share more detailed information about what does and doesn't work on the different comps. Rbgs have been good for resto 
druids. They tend to perform very well overall and Ursols vortex allows for a 
lot of control options on some maps. I've reached a rating of 1100 in 2 hrs of 
doing bgs and given the chance I will detail the higher brackets and some 
general advice if I feel I have anything helpful to really say about that. 

So, Blizzard has announced in patch 5.3 that all characters will have a baseline 65% 
resilience. Pvp resilience will also be removed from all pvp gear. Gems and 
enchants will be the only way of gaining extra resilience. Also rated bgs, 
arenas and random bgs will scale item levels to a maximum of 496. Tyrannical 
gear will be upgraded to lvl 496 and elite tyrannical will be purely a cosmetic 
improvement. Since pvp power will still exist it will make pvp the better choice 
for pvp combat compared to pve gear. This is a very exciting change that will 
hopefully make it easier for characters to compete based on skill rather than on 
gear which has plagued newcomers to the game for a long time. Overall it should 
make it to where many more players are choosing to use pvp gear for pvp and pve 
for pve. The items scaling to 496 means that having a more powerful pve weapon, 
as an example, will give you no benefit because the damage and stats will be 
decreased to the equivalent item level in bgs, arenas and rbgs. Here are the 
official notes by blizzard.

Ok so time for a little advice. Recently this week I was introduced to an addon 
named oqueue. This addon let's you look for other players on other realms that 
are looking for players for rated battleground groups. The addon collect your 
character info and allows you to join other people's groups based on your stats 
and what the raid leader is looking for. It can also be used to find groups for 
questing or random bg groups. I've used it for roughly a day or two and it has 
been very easy to find groups for what I want and I would highly recommend it to 
anyone who plays on a server that makes it hard to find rbgs groups. Here's a 
link to the addon.
I intend to get some videos of me doing some rbgs and arenas up soon and talk a little about talents and play style. Check back soon.

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Week One

So I'm new to the whole blogging ordeal but I hope to put up a lot of information up here that can be used by the Resto Druid community. I intend to put up some tips and tricks for what you should be looking for and gearing options/ priorities and the like. If I really have the time I may try to put some of my games and hopefully get some helpful critique from anyone reading this. I'll also try to go into what it's like to play with some of the other players and what you should be looking for in your partners/groups. Well I wish you all the best and look forward to putting some interesting stuff up.